

目前就职: 特殊环境物质科学研究院

地址: 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)信息楼707室



科研领域: 主要从事第三代半导体材料制备与异质集成研究,以及复合纳米薄膜的结构生长和光电磁学性能研究工作


简劼,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)特殊环境物质科学研究院副研究员,深圳市海外高层次人才,近年来主要从事第三代半导体材料制备与异质集成研究,以及复合纳米薄膜的结构生长和光电磁学性能研究,主持和参与了国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家自然科学基金校企联合重点项目、深圳市自然科学基金面上项目、深圳市重大科研平台自主攻关项目等多个科研项目,负责项目经费1000余万元,取得了一系列研究成果。简劼博士已在Adv. Func. Mater.、Nano Lett.、Sci. Adv.、ACS Nano、Small等知名期刊发表论文近90篇,被引3000余次,并在国际会议、美国国家实验室等发表学术报告10余次。







复合纳米薄膜是一类具有人工设计结构的先进薄膜材料,通过多种材料以不同结构形式复合成膜,实现不同材料性能的耦合,在单一薄膜中集合多种功能或产生全新物性。简劼博士主要开展光学、电磁学复合纳米薄膜研究,材料体系涉及金属-氧化物复合、氧化物-氧化物复合、金属-氮化物复合、氧化物-氮化物复合等,关注性能包括表面等离子共振(Surface Plasmonic Resonance)、结构生色(Structural Color)、磁电耦合(Magnetoelectric Coupling)、多铁(Multiferroic)等。


2010.08-2016.12 美国德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&M University)电子科学与工程 博士

2006.09-2010.07 浙江大学 光电信息工程 本科


2020.04-现在 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)特殊环境物质科学研究院 副研究员

2017.01-2020.01 美国普渡大学(Purdue University)博士后研究员




















1. J. Jian, X. Wang, S. Misra, X. Sun, Z. Qi, X. Gao, J. Sun, A. Donohue, D. G. Lin, V. Pol, J. Youngblood, H. Wang, L. Li, J. Huang and H. Wang, Broad range tuning of phase transition property in VO2 through metal-ceramic nanocomposite design; Adv. Func. Mater. 29, 1903690 (2019)

2. J. Jian, X. Wang, L. Li, M. Fan, W. Zhang, J. Huang, Z. Qi and H. Wang, Continuous tuning of phase transition temperature in VO2 thin films on c-cut sapphire substrates via strain variation; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 5319 (2017)

3. J. Jian, X. L. Paul, H. Wang, X. Wang, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Ultra-high heating rate effects on the sintering of ceramic nanoparticles: An in situ TEM study; Mater. Res. Lett. 9, 373 (2021)

4. J. Jian, JH. Lee, Y. Liu, F. Khatkhatay, K. Yu, Q. Su X. Zhang, L. Jiao and H. Wang, Plastic deformation in nanocrystalline TiN at ultra-low stress: An in situ nanoindentation study; Mater. Sci. Eng., A 650, 445 (2016)

5. J. Jian, W. Zhang, C. Jacob, A. Chen, H. Wang J. Huang and H. Wang, Roles of grain boundaries on the semiconductor to metal phase transition of VO2 thin films; Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 102105 (2015)

6. J. Jian, A. Chen, Y. Chen, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Roles of strain and domain boundaries on the phase transition stability of VO2 thin films; Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 153102 (2017)

7. J. Jian, A. Chen, W. Zhang and H. Wang, Sharp semiconductor-to-metal transition of VO2 thin films on glass substrates; J. Appl. Phys. 114, 244301 (2013)

8. S. M. Yang, S. Lee, J. Jian, W. Zhang, P. Lu, Q. Jia, H. Wang, T. W. Noh, S. V. Kalinin, JL. MacManusDriscoll, Strongly enhanced oxygen ion transport through samarium-doped CeO2 nanopillars in nanocomposite films; Nat. Commun. 6, 8588 (2015)

9. B. Prasad, W. Zhang, J. Jian, H. Wang and MG. Blamire, Strongly BiasDependent Tunnel Magnetoresistance in Manganite Spin Filter Tunnel Junctions Adv. Mater. 27, 3079 (2015)

10. J. Qin, P. Liao, M. Si, S. Gao, G. Qiu, J. Jian, Q. Wang, S. Zhang, S. Huang, A. Charnas, Y. Wang, M. J. Kim, W. Wu, X. Xu, H. Wang, L. Yang, Y. K. Yap and P. Ye, Raman response and transport properties of one-dimensional van der waals tellurium nanowires; Nat. Electron. 3, 141 (2020)

11. Z. Qi, J. Jian, J. Huang, J. Tang, H. Wang, V. G. Pol and H. Wang, LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2/Au nanocomposite thin film cathode with enhanced electrochemical properties; Nano Energy 46, 290 (2018)

12. Z. Fan, J. Jian, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, M. Song, L. Jiao, H. Wang and X. Zhang, In situ studies on superior thermal stability of bulk FeZr nanocomposites; Acta. Mater. 101, 125 (2015)

13. C. Jacob, J. Jian, Y. Zhu, Q. Su and H. Wang, A new approach to investigate Li2MnO3 and Li(Ni0.5Mn0.3Co0.2)O2 mixed phase cathode materials; J. Mater. Chem. A 2, 2283 (2014)

14. C. Jacob, J. Jian, Q. Su, S. Verkhoturov, R. Guillemette and H. Wang, Electrochemical and structural effects of in situ Li2O extraction from Li2MnO3 for Li-ion batteries; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 2433 (2015)

15. Y. Liu, J. Jian, JH. Lee, C. Wang, QP. Cao, C. Gutierrez, H. Wang, JZ. Jiang and X. Zhang, Repetitive Ultra-low Stress Induced Nanocrystallization in Amorphous Cu?Zr?Al Alloy Evidenced by in situ Nanoindentation; Mater. Res. Lett. 2, 209 (2014)

16. X. Wang, J. Jian, Z. Zhou, C. Fan, Y. Dai, L. Li, J. Huang, J. Sun, A. Donohue, P. Bermel, X. Zhang, H. T. Chen and Haiyan Wang, Self-assembled Ag-TiN hybrid plasmonic metamaterial: Tailorable tilted nanopillar and optical properties; Adv. Opt. Mater. 7, 1801180 (2018)

17. J. Fiebig, J. Jian, H. Wang, J. McCrea, E. Lavernia and AK. Mukherjee, Thermal stability from calorimetric measurements of multilayered NiFe specimens with different layer thickness; Scr. Mater. 137, 100 (2017)

18. F. Khatkhatay, J. Jian, L. Jiao, Q. Su, J. Gan, JI. Cole and H. Wang, Diffusion barrier properties of nitride-based coatings on fuel cladding; J. Alloys Compd. 580, 442 (2013)

19. J. Fiebig, J. Jian, L. Kurmanaeva, J. McCrea, H. Wang, E. Lavernia and A. Mukherjee, Deformation behavior of multilayered NiFe with bimodal grain size distribution at room and elevated temperature; Mater. Sci. Eng., A 656, 174 (2016)

20. Y. Liu, J. Jian, Y. Chen, H. Wang and X. Zhang, Plasticity and ultra-low stress induced twin boundary migration in nanotwinned Cu by in situ nanoindentation studies; Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 231910 (2014)

21. W. Zhang, J. Jian, A. Chen, L. Jiao, F. Khatkhatay, L. Li, F. Chu, Q. Jia, JL. MacManus-Driscoll and H. Wang, Strain relaxation and enhanced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in BiFeO3: CoFe2O4 vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films; Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 062402 (2014)

22. Q. Su, J. Jian, H. Wang and M. Nastasi, Thermal stability of amorphous SiOC/crystalline Fe composite; Philos. Mag. 95, 3876 (2015)

23. C. Jacob, J. Jian, R. Guillemette and H. Wang, Comparing the Effect of Oxygen Stoichiometry on the Behavior of Li2MnO3 in Pure Phase and Li-rich Forms; ECS Trans. 66, 295 (2015)

24. X. Wang, J. Jian, S. Diaz-Amaya, C.E.Kumah, P. Lu, J. Huang, D. G. Lim, V. G. Pol, J. P. Youngblood, A.Boltasseva, L.A.Stanciu, D. M. O'Carroll, X. Zhang and Haiyan Wang, Hybrid plasmonic Au-TiN vertically aligned nanocomposites: a nanoscale platform towards tunable optical sensing; Nanoscale Adv.1, 1045 (2019)

25. J. Qin, G. Qiu, J. Jian, H. Zhou, L. Yang, A. Gharnas, D. Y. Zemlyanov, C. Y. Xu, X. Xu, W. Wu, H. Wang and P. D. Ye, Controlled Growth of a Large-Size 2D Selenium Nanosheet and Its Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications; ACS Nano 11, 10222 (2017)

26. A. L. Sangle, S. Singh, J. Jian, S. R. Bajpe, H. Wang, N. Khare and J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, Very High Surface Area Mesoporous Thin Films of SrTiO3 Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Application to Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting; Nano Lett. 16, 7338 (2016)

27. X. Sun, J. Huang, J. Jian, M. Fan, H. Wang, Q. Li, J. L. Mac Manus-Driscoll, P. Lu, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Three-dimensional strain engineering in epitaxial vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films with tunable magnetotransport properties; Mater. Horiz. 5, 536 (2018)

28. S. Misra, L. Li, J. Jian, J. Huang, X. Wang, D. Zemlyanov, J. W. Jang, F. H. Ribeiro and H. Wang, Tailorable Au Nanoparticles Embedded in Epitaxial TiO2 Thin Films for Tunable Optical Properties; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 32895 (2018)

29. W. Zhang, A. Chen, J. Jian, Y. Zhu, L. Chen, P. Lu, Q. Jia, JL. MacManus-Driscoll, X. Zhang, H. Wang, Strong perpendicular exchange bias in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3:BiFeO3 nanocomposite films through vertical interfacial coupling; Nanoscale 7, 13808 (2015)

30. F. Khatkhatay, L. Jiao, J. Jian, W. Zhang, Z. Jiao, J. Gan, H. Zhang, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Superior corrosion resistance properties of TiN-based coatings on Zircaloy tubes in supercritical water; J. Nucl. Mater. 451, 346 (2014)

31. A. Chen, W. Zhang, J. Jian, H. Wang, C. Tsai, Q. Su, Q. Jia and JL. MacManus-Driscoll, Role of boundaries on low-field magnetotransport properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-based nanocomposite thin films; J. Mater. Res. 28, 1707 (2013)

32. J. Huang, L. Chen, J. Jian, F. Khatkhatay, C. Jacob and Haiyan Wang, A simplified superconducting coated conductor design with Fe-based superconductors on glass and flexible metallic substrates; J. Alloys Compd., 647, 380 (2015)

33. X. Gao, L. Li, J. Jian, J. Huang, X. Sun, D. Zhang and H. Wang, Tunable low-field magnetoresistance properties in (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3)1-x:(CeO2)x vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films; Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 053103 (2019)

34. R. Tang, C. Jiang, J. Jian, Y. Liang, X. Zhang, H. Wang and H. Yang, Impedance spectroscopy and scaling behaviors of Sr3Co2Fe24O41hexaferrite; Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 022902 (2015)

35. X. Gao, L. Li, J. Jian, H. Wang, M. Fan, J. Huang, X. Wang and H. Wang, Vertically Aligned Nanocomposite BaTiO3:YMnO3 Thin Films with Room-temperature Multiferroic Properties towards Nanoscale Memory Devices; ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 1, 2509 (2018)

36. M. Fan, W. Zhang, J. Jian, J. Huang and H. Wang, Strong perpendicular exchange bias in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3:LaFeO3 nanocomposite thin films; APL Mater. 4, 076105 (2016)

37. H. Wang, F. Khatkhatay, J. Jian, J. Huang, M. Fan and H. Wang, Strain Tuning of Ferroelectric and Optical Properties of Rhombohedral-like BiFeO3 thin films on SrRuO3-buffered Substrates; Mater. Res. Bulletin 110, 120 (2018)

38. B. Zhang, J. Huang, J. Jian, B. X. Rutherford, L. Li, S.Misra, X. Sun and H. Wang, Tuning magnetic anisotropy in Co-BaZrO3 vertical aligned nanocomposites for memory device integration; Nanoscale Adv. 1, 4450 (2019)

39. L. Kurmanaeva, J. McCrea, J. Jian, J. Fiebig, H. Wang, A. Mukherjee, EJ. Lavernia, Influence of layer thickness on mechanical properties of multilayered NiFe samples processed by electrodeposition; Mater. Des. 90, 389 (2016)

40. J. Huang, L. Chen, J. Jian, K. Tyler, L. Li, H. Wang and H. Wang, Magnetic (CoFe2O4)0.1(CeO2)0.9 nanocomposite as effective pinning centers in FeSe0.1Te0.9 thin films; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 28, 025702 (2015)

41. MA. Myers, V. Khranovskyy, J. Jian, JH. Lee, H. Wang and H. Wang, Photoluminescence study of p-type vs. n-type Ag-doped ZnO films; J. Appl. Phys. 118, 065702 (2015)

42. J. Huang, L. Chen, J. Jian, F. Khatkhatay and H. Wang, Nanostructured pinning centers in FeSe0.1Te0.9 thin films for enhanced superconducting properties; Supercond. Sci. Technol., 27, 105006 (2014)

43. M.Si, A. K. Saha, S. Gao, G. Qiu, J. Qin, Y. Duan, J. Jian, C. Niu, H. Wang, W. Wu, S. K. Gupta and P. Ye, A ferroelectric semiconductor field-effect transistor; Nat. Electron. 2, 580 (2019)

44. S.Misra, L. Li, D. Zhang, J. Jian, Z. Qi, M. Fan, H. T. Chen, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Self-assembled ordered three-phase Au-BaTiO3-ZnO vertically aligned nanocomposites achieved by a templating method; Adv. Mater.31, 1806529 (2018)

45. M. Fan, B. Zhang, H. Wang, J. Jian, X. Sun, J. Huang, L. Li, X. Zhang and H. Wang, SelfOrganized Epitaxial Vertically Aligned Nanocomposites with LongRange Ordering Enabled by Substrate Nanotemplating; Adv. Mater. 29, 1606861 (2017)

46. L. Li, P. Boullay, P. Lu, X. Wang, J. Jian, J. Huang, X. Gao, S. Misra, W. Zhang, O. Perez, G. Steciuk, A. Chen, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Novel Layered Supercell Structure from Bi2AlMnO6 for Multifunctionalities; Nano Lett. 17, 6575 (2017)

47. S. Cho, C. Yun, Y. S. Kim, H. Wang, J. Jian, W. Zhang, J. Huang, X. Wang, H. Wang and J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, Strongly enhanced dielectric and energy storage properties in lead-free perovskite titanate thin films by alloying; Nano Energy 45, 398 (2018)

48. Z. Qi, J. Tang, S. Misra, C. Fan, P. Lu, J. Jian, Z. He, V. G. Pol, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Enhancing electrochemical performance of thin film lithium ion battery via introducing tilted metal nanopillars as effective current collectors; Nano Energy 69, 104381 (2020)

49. J. Qin, G. Qiu, W. He, J. Jian, M. Si, Y. Duan, A. Charnas, D. Y. Zemlyanov, H. Wang, W. Shao, L. Zhen, C. Xu and P. D. Ye, Epitaxial Growth of 1D Atomic Chain Based Se Nanoplates on Monolayer ReS2 for HighPerformance Photodetectors, Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1806254 (2018);

50. D. Zhang, S. Misra, L. Li, X. Wang, J. Jian, P. Lu, X. Gao, X. Sun, Z. Qi, M. Kalaswad, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Tunable optical properties in selfassembled oxide-metal hybrid thin films via Au-phase geometry control: From nanopillars to nanodisks; Adv. Opt. Mater., Available Online (2019)

51. S. Misra, L. Li, X. Gao, J. Jian, Z. Qi, D. Zemlyanov and H. Wang, Tunable physical properties in BiAl1-xMnxO3 thin films with novel layered supercell structures; Nanoscale Adv., Available Online (2019)

52. L. Li, J. Cheng, H. Wang, J. Huang, X. Gao, X. Wang, S. Misra, B. Zhang, J. Jian, A. Chen, P. Lu, X. Qian, K. Yang and H. Wang, Interfacial engineering enabled novel Bi-based layered oxide supercells with modulated microstructures and tunable physical properties; Cryst. Growth Des.19, 7088 (2019)

53. X. Sun, Q. Li, J. Huang, J. Jian, P. Lu, X. Zhang, J.L. MacManus-Driscoll and H. Wang, Strain and property tuning of the 3D framed epitaxial nanocomposite thin films via interlayer thickness variation; J. Appl. Phys. 125, 082530 (2019)

54. X. Wang, T. Nguyen, Y. Cao, J. Jian, O.Malis and H. Wang, AlN-based hybrid thin films with self-assembled plasmonic Au and Ag nanoinclusions; Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 023103 (2019)

55. B. Zhang, M. Fan, L. Li, J. Jian, J. Huang, H. Wang, M. Kalaswad and H. Wang, Tunable magnetic anisotropy of self-assembled Fe nanostructures within a La0.5Sr0.5FeO3 matrix; Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 013104 (2018)

56. S. Cho, JW. Wang, L. Li, J. Jian, H. Wang and JL. MacManus-Driscoll, Self-Assembled Heteroepitaxial Oxide Nanocomposite for Photoelectrochemical Solar Water Oxidation Chem. mater. (2016)

57. R. Tang, H. Zhou, R. Zhao, J. Jian, H. Wang, J. Huang, M. Fan, W. Zhang, H. Wang and H. Yang, Dielectric relaxation and polaronic conduction in epitaxial BaFe12O19 hexaferrite thin film; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49, 115305 (2016)

58. R. Tang, C. Jiang, W. Qian, J. Jian, X. Zhang, H. Wang and H. Yang, Dielectric relaxation, resonance and scaling behaviors in Sr3Co2Fe24O41hexaferrite; Nat. Sci. Rep. 5, 13645 (2015)

59. J. Huang, C. F. Tsai, L. Chen, J. Jian, K. Yu, W. Zhang and H. Wang, Enhanced Flux Pinning Properties in YBa2Cu3O7-δ/(CoFe2O4)0.3(CeO2)0.7 Multilayer Thin Films; IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25, 1 (2015)

60. L. Li, W. Zhang, F. Khatkhatay, J. Jian, M. Fan, Q. Su, Y. Zhu, A. Chen, P. Lu, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Strain and Interface Effects in a Novel Bismuth-Based Self-Assembled Supercell Structure; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 11631 (2015)

61. J. Huang, C-F Tsai, L. Chen, J. Jian, F. Khatkhatay, K. Yu and H. Wang, Magnetic properties of (CoFe2O4)x:(CeO2)1-x vertically aligned nanocomposites and their pinning properties in YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films; J. Appl. Phys. 115, 123902 (2014)

62. A. Chen, Z. Bi, W. Zhang, J. Jian, Q. Jia and H. Wang, Textured metastable VO2 (B) thin films on SrTiO3 substrates with significantly enhanced conductivity; Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 071909 (2014)

63. C. Jacob, T. Lynch, A. Chen, J. Jian and H. Wang, Highly textured Li(Ni0.5Mn0.3Co0.2)O2 thin films on stainless steel as cathode for lithium-ion battery; J. Power Sources 241, 410 (2013)

64. L. Chen, J. Huang, C. Tsai, Y. Zhu, J. Jian, A. Chen, Z. Bi, F. Khatkhatay, N. Cornell, A. Zakhidov and Haiyan Wang, Superconducting properties of FeSexTe1-x thin film with a composition close to antiferromagnetic ordering; Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26, 112001 (2013)

65. M Si, A. K. Saha, P. Y. Liao, S. Gao, S. M. Neumayer, J. Jian, J. Qin, N. B. Wisinger, H. Wang, P. Maksymovych, W. Wu, S. K. Gupta and P. D. Ye, Room-Temperature Electrocaloric Effect in Layered Ferroelectric CuInP2S6 for Solid-State Refrigeration;ACS Nano 13, 8760 (2019)

66. R. Tang, H. Zhou, J. Huang, M. Fan, H. Wang, J. Jian, H. Wang and H. Yang, Room temperature magnetodielectric effects in epitaxial hexaferrite BaFe10.2Sc1.8O19 thin film; Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 242901 (2017)

67. Q. Su, W. Zhang, P. Lu, S. Fang, F. Khatkhatay, J. Jian, L. Li, F. Chen, X. Zhang, J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, A. Chen, Q. Jia and H. Wang, Self-assembled Magnetic Metallic Nanopillars in Ceramic Matrix with Anisotropic Magnetic and Electrical Transport Properties; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 20283 (2016)

68. L. Kurmanaeva, H. Bahmanpour, T. Holland, J. McCrea, JH. Lee, J. Jian, H. Wang, EJ. Lavernia and AK. Mukherjee, Room temperature mechanical behaviour of a Ni-Fe multilayered material with modulated grain size distribution; Philos. Mag. 94, 3549 (2014)

69. X. Sun, Q. Li, J. Huang, M. Fan, B. X. Rutherford, R.L.Paldi, J. Jian, Xinghang Zhang and Haiyan Wang, Strain-driven nanodumbbell structure and enhanced physical properties in hybrid vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films; Appl. Mater. Today 16, 204 (2019)

70. B. Prasad, M. Egilmez, F. Schoofs, T. Fix, ME. Vickers, W. Zhang, J. Jian, H. Wang, MG. Blamire, Nanopillar spin filter tunnel junctions with manganite barriers; Nano Lett. 14, 2789 (2014)

71. J. Li, J. Cho, J. Ding, H. Charalambous, S. Xue, H. Wang, X. L. Phuah, J. Jian, X. Wang, C.Ophus, T.Tsakalakos, R. E. García, A. K. Mukherjee, N. Bernstein, C.S.Hellberg, H. Wang and X. Zhang, Nanoscale stacking fault–assisted room temperature plasticity in flash-sintered TiO2; Sci. Adv. 5, 5519 (2019)

72. S. Cho, C. Yun, S. Tappertzhofen, A. Kursumovic, S. Lee, P. Lu, Q. Jia, M. Fan, J. Jian, H. Wang, S. Hofmann and J. L. MacManus-Driscoll, Self-assembled oxide films with tailored nanoscale ionic and electronic channels for controlled resistive switching; Nat. Commun. 7, 12373 (2016)

73. L. Li, L. Sun, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, N. L. Hogan, P. Lu, F. Khatkhatay, W. Zhang, J. Jian, J. Huang, Q. Su, M. Fan, C. Jacob, J. Li, X. Zhang, Q. Jia, M. Sheldon, A. Alu, X. Li and H. Wang; Self-Assembled Epitaxial Au-Oxide Vertically Aligned Nanocomposites for Nanoscale Metamaterials; Nano Lett. 16, 3936 (2016)

74. L. Li, P.Boullay, J. Cheng, P. Lu, X. Wang, G.Steciuk, J. Huang, J. Jian, X. Gao, B. Zhang, S.Misra, X. Zhang, K. Yang and H. Wang, Self-assembled two-dimensional layered oxide supercells with modulated layer stacking and tunable physical properties; Mater. Today Nano 6, 100037 (2019)

75. J. Huang, X. Wang, N. L. Hogan, S. Wu, P. Lu, Z. Fan, Y. Dai, B. Zeng, R. Starko-Bowes, J. Jian, H. Wang, L. Li, R. P. Prasankumar, D. Yarotski, M. Sheldon, H. T. Chen, Z. Jacob, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Nanoscale Artificial Plasmonic Lattice in Self‐Assembled Vertically Aligned Nitride–Metal Hybrid Metamaterials; Adv. Sci. 5, 1800416 (2018)

76. S. Misra, L. Li, X. Gao, J. Jian, Z Qi, D Zemlyanov, H Wang, Tunable physical properties in BiAl1-xMnxO3 thin films with novel layered supercell structures; Nanoscale Adv. 2, 315 (2020)

77. X. Gao, L. Li, D. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Jian, Z. He and H. Wang, Novel layered Bi3MoMTO9 (MT= Mn, Fe, Co and Ni) thin films with tunable multifunctionalities; Nanoscale 12, 5914 (2020)

78. X. Gao, D. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Jian, Z. He, H. Dou and H. Wang, Vertically aligned nanocomposite (BaTiO3) 0.8:(La0.7Sr0.3MnO3) 0.2 thin films with anisotropic multifunctionalities; Nanoscale Adv. 2, 3276 (2020)

79. Z. He, J. Jian, S. Misra, X. Gao, X. Wang, Z. Qi, B. Yang, D. Zhang, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Bidirectional tuning of phase transition properties in Pt:VO2 nanocomposite thin films; Nanoscale 12, 17886 (2020)

80. C. Yun, E. Choi, W. Li, X. Sun, T. Maity, R. Wu, J. Jian, S. Xue, S. Cho, H. Wang and J. Driscoll, Achieving ferromagnetic insulating properties in La0.9Ba0.1MnO3 thin films through nanoengineering; Nanoscale 12, 9255 (2020)

81. D. Zhang, Z. Qi, J. Jian, J. Huang, X. L. Phuah, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Thermally stable Au–BaTiO3 nanoscale hybrid metamaterial for high-temperature plasmonic applications; ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3, 1431 (2020)

82. D. Zhang, S. Misra, L. Li, X. Wang, J. Jian, P. Lu, X. Gao, X. Sun, Z. Qi, M. Kalaswad, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Tunable optical properties in self‐assembled oxide‐metal hybrid thin films via Au‐phase geometry control: from nanopillars to nanodisks; Adv. Opt. Mater. 8, 1901359 (2020)

83. R. Xu, L. Min, Z. Qi, X. Zhang, J. Jian, Y. Ji, F. Qian, J. Fan, C. Kan, H. Wang, W. Tian, L. Li, W. Li and H. Yang, Perovskite transparent conducting oxide for the design of transparent, flexible and self-powered perovskite photodetector; ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 12, 16462 (2020)

84. X. Wang, H. Wang, J. Jian, B. X. Rutherford, X. Gao, X. Xu, X. Zhang and H. Wang, Metal-free oxide-nitride heterostructure as a tunable hyperbolic metamaterial platform; Nano Lett. 20, 6614 (2020)

85. J. Liu, X. Wang, X. Gao, H. Wang, J. Jian, J. Huang, X. Sun, Z. Qi, S. Misra, Z. He and H. Wang, Multifunctional self-assembled BaTiO3-Au nanocomposite thin films on flexible mica substrates with tunable optical properties; Appl. Mater. Today21, 100856 (2020)

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